

Static Analysis for compiler optimisations

Course given at ENS Rennes. [More...]

Graph Algorithms

Course given at ESIR. [More...]


Course given at ENS Rennes. [More...]

Semantics and program analysis

Course given in the Research Master of Rennes on dataflow analysis and abstract interpretation. [More...]

Software Security

Course given in the Research Master of Rennes on software security (information flow type systems, code obfuscation). [More...]

DigiCosme Spring School 2013

Course given in DigiCosme Spring School about Building Verified Program Analyzers in Coq: a Tutorial. [More...]

FOSAD Summer School 2009

Course given in FOSAD Summer School 2009 about Certified Static Analysis. [More...]

Logic and Computability

Course given at the Brittany extension of ENS Cachan. [More...]

Types Summer School 2007

Course given in Types Summer School 2007 about Proof Carrying Code. [More...]

French summer school: EJCP'07

Course given in the french summer school EJCP'07 about the Coq proof assistant and abstract interpretation. [More...]

Deductive Verification Methods

Course given in the Research Master of Rennes about the Coq proof assistant and some fundamental notion in deductive techniques. [More...]

A Short Emacs Tutorial

A quick introduction to Emacs. [More...]